Breast surgeries

The female breast is one part of the body on which aesthetic or reconstructive procedures are performed the most frequently. Breast surgery includes breast lift, breast reduction or augmentation, reducing deformity in shape, or operations on nipples. Patients with sufficient physical and emotional maturity may undergo these surgeries sometimes for more reasons. Operations are carried out under general anesthesia, because it takes several hours, and for the patients' convenience.

It is a surgical procedure performed in case of breasts which are not satisfactory in size, shape or palpation, or which have difference in size.

The implants to be applied can be grouped by several criteria. Their shape can be anatomical or hemispherical. A breast implant is a silicone shell filled with either salt-water solution or cohesive silicone gel, and its surface can be smooth or uneven. It is imperative that the product should have a CE classification, prescribed by the European standards. Naturally, products from various manufacturers are marketed at different prices. I use most of the implants in my praxis available in Hungary, upon the preference of the patient.

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia.

The surgeon will decide with the patient together on the size and shape of the implant to be inserted. The method of inserting and positioning the implant will depend on the anatomy and requirements of the patient and surgeon's recommendation. The incision can be made either in the crease where the breast meets the chest, around the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple), or in the armpit. The implant can be placed beneath the glands, or partially beneath the glands and the breast muscle. Each procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages, they should be evaluated together, and the decision should be made upon the patient's needs. Following the operation, tensive and uncomfortable feeling can come over for shorter or longer periods, and its intensity can vary from person to person. Stitches are removed in 10 days, and the patient should not do any strenuous activity for 2-4 weeks. Wearing a surgical bra is necessary for a certain period, depending on the type of the operation. In one to one and a half months, the new situation becomes natural to the patients, and they should not have any complaints. They can travel, do sports, and the shape and touch of the breasts will be natural. Postoperative controls are recommended in 6 months from the beginning.

As with any operation, there are risks associated with surgery and specific complications associated with this procedure. Bruising in low percentage, infection and thick scarring may occur. Breast augmentation results in a capsular sontracture around the inserted material, which always happens. If this capsular begins to tighten, than the touch of the breast can become hard, and it can squeeze the material, which will lead to the deformation of the breast. These complaints can be treated and sometimes requires removal of the scar tissue, or perhaps removal or replacement of the implant.

The inserted implant does not raise the danger of causing cancer, pregnancy can be taken on with absolute certainty, and it does not hinder breastfeeding.

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